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Question: What is FS CG?
Answer: Basicly is a card game based on Freespace universe. For more information cheek About section in this page.
Q: When will it be done?
A: As soon as it possible. I give my self about one more month to finish basic game and probably expansions will be create in 3 maybe 4 months.
Q: Can I request a card?
A: Yes you can, just post on forum info about it.
Q: Can I send you my ideas of cards?
A: Of course on forum there is special topic for those kind of ideas.
Q: How many cards for each race it will be?
A: In basic game is 50, each planed expansion will increase that number by 10.
Q: If I want to help, what would you like?
A: Screenshots, very god one with some viable action and with using latest SCP build and Media VPs. For example let be those used on cards.
Q: Are there be any expansions?
A: Yes, I'm planing for now two more with total list of about 60 more cards.
Q: If yes, when?
A: I cant tell exactly, first probably 3 months after release of basic game.
Q: Those there be more than 3 races like Ancients or EA from Inferno mod?
A: Can't tell you yes or not right now. I'm thinking about it hardly.
Printing Tutorial
In order to obtain proper quality of your cards, it is best to have them printed on a digital printer in a professional printing house. It involves certain costs, but the results are definitely worth it.
In download section of this site you will find the pdf files with the FS CG cards. The files are prepared in A3 format (paper format list). All you have to do is download them and get them to the printing house informing that it is going to be a two sided print (reverses for every race can be found in download section). You should also mention the kind and weight of the paper you prefer your cards to be printed.
The best are:
- Matte art paper (it's clean, it's not shining, and the colors look nice)
- Weight of paper – 300 gram (the cards will be thick and inflexible enough)
Additionally, you will find cut lines on the pdf files, so in the printing house you can ask if there is a possibility to have the prints cut as well. If there is, I suggest taking opportunity of that for your own benefit.
Then, all you have to cut will be the markers and the boxes. Use sharp scissors to cut the grey integral lines. Dashed lines indicate the places where your cards should be bent. It is best to use a ruler or a knife to help yourself with it (image below).

Personally, I do not recommend printing the cards on your own printer at home unless you really want to. If so, remember about using a proper paper of high quality of whiteness and gloss (not a photographic one). The weight of the paper does not matter, since home printers usually are not adapted to print on a high weight paper. That is why you should use common card decks and protectors to make your cards stiff enough. After you print and cut your FS CG cards, just insert them together with the common cards into the protectors. This method has its pros: it is less expensive, and it gives you an opportunity to quickly change the composition of your deck :)